Wednesday, April 4, 2012

1. Make The Decision. 
    Decide clutter is a way of living you are choosing not live anymore.  Clutter makes you feel unfocused and unproductive.  It literally sucks the energy out of you.  You're probably always running late to work and to your other appointments because you're looking for what you need in all the chaos. Sound like you? Well, this is how I lived for years.  I had to overcome the clutter in my home because it was getting in the way of my dreams.  I had a vision for my life but I always felt tired and uninspired when it came to taking action, due to the clutter I lived in.  Being disorganized leads to procrastination on our dreams. Make 2012 the year you DECIDE to live clutter free and really get your house together!

2. Take one room at a time.
    DE-cluttering can be very intimidating because we look at the project in its totality.  When you look at it in smaller steps, one room at a time it becomes less intimidating. You have to get excited that you are getting started and not how long it's going to take.  Take it one room at a time and don't worry about the rest of the house right now or you will get overwhelmed and give up.  Start in your bedroom.  Your bedroom is the most sacred place in your home.  That's where all your sleeping and dreaming takes place.  When you wake up in the morning you want to feel refreshed, clear, energized  and clutter free!

3. Make four piles.
Pile 1 Trash- clothes and items that are broken or worn out .
Pile 2 Keep- clothes and items you are going to use.
Pile 3 Give Away- clothes and items that are gently used.
Pile 4 Cash Pile- things you want to sell.$$$

4. Repeat steps 1-3 in every area of your beautiful home.

Angel is truly heaven sent. After speaking with Angel I felt very confident in the path I am taking. She is very encouraging and inspiring! The energy that she gives you is enough to make you feel like Superwoman! The Declutter CD is so awesome, I listened, smiled and took notes. Not only did I do all of that, I actually took action and I plan to do everything she spoke on. I have accomplished some goals all because of Angel. I look forward to working with her and sending other people to her that would love some life coaching. She is truly a Life Coach that Rocks! 

Learn more about organizing your space in this audio class.

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